
After Badger Buries Entire Cow Carcass, Scientists Go to the Tape

What you need to know Scientists are baffled as a badger buries an entire cow carcass. Using motion-sensing cameras, researchers capture the remarkable burial behavior, shedding light on the ecological role of badgers in carcass decomposition. This unexpected discovery underscores the complexity of animal behavior and its impact on ecosystem dynamics.

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A Genetic Oddity May Give Octopuses and Squids Their Smarts

What you need to know A genetic anomaly may hold the key to the exceptional intelligence of octopuses and squids. Researchers identify a unique gene-editing mechanism in these cephalopods, potentially responsible for their cognitive abilities. Understanding this genetic oddity sheds light on the evolution of intelligence in marine creatures, unlocking new insights into brain development.

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The New Threat to Wolves in and Around Yellowstone

What you need to know Wolves face a new threat in and around Yellowstone National Park. Rising temperatures and diminishing snowpacks disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems, impacting prey populations and altering wolf behavior. Conservation efforts are crucial to mitigate these challenges and ensure the survival of this iconic species in the region.

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This Is a Giant Shipworm. You May Wish It Had Stayed In Its Tube.

What you need to know The Giant Shipworm, a mysterious creature resembling a slimy giant worm, has emerged from its tube, causing intrigue and unease. Its unsettling appearance prompts mixed reactions, with some fascinated by its biology while others wish it had remained hidden. The enigmatic creature raises questions about the depths of marine life.

This Is a Giant Shipworm. You May Wish It Had Stayed In Its Tube. Read More »